
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Warrior of the Worriers

This is for all of you who tend to feel (and think) a bit too much. Not all warriors go to war fearless, with their arm reached out in the air, ready to take on anything that comes in their way. That ancient and romantic image of warriors has been imprinted in our minds already in our early years, and intensified with each fairytale and story we heard about brave princes and soldiers fighting and slaying dragons, villains and god knows what else. And while that's all great, I'm here to write about another type of warrior. Quite possibly a minority and most definitely the less popular group of warriors in our society. They are called  worriers.  Now, I assume I don't really have to tell you what worriers do best. Obviously, they worry. But then again, we all worry to some extent. So where is the line between average worrying and something else? Well, usually the more excessive type of worrying tends to interfere with your life in different ways and could be ...